Monday, July 14, 2008

Funny story from Moravia

So we went to Southern Moravia this past weekend. It was quite a trip. More on that later.

I was just lying in bed attempting to fall asleep when I was replaying a moment from the trip in my head. I had just eaten a delicious dinner at a restaurant with Patti, Amanda, and Stephen and we were going through the payment process. The thing about Moravia is that most people DO NOT speak English, and this guy was one of them. So Stephen and I, being the only ones in this particular dinner party who are studying Czech language, had been relying on our good education from Jitka to navigate the menu and communicate on behalf of the other 2 girls. Up until this point we had done quite well despite my issues with "stage-fright" and Stephen's issues with pronunciation. I ordered something unfamiliar that seemed to have chicken and veggies in it, and it turned out to be a delicious sort of stir-fry.

So, the waiter made his way around the table counting up our separate tabs, and when asked what I ordered, I began to list things:
Me: "Pivo.."
Waiter: "Pivo."
Me: "Ryze.."
Waiter: "Ryze."
Me: "Em.... Kure.."
Waiter: CRACKS UP. "Kure.... haha... ano.. to je vsechno? sto padesat."

So now I am lying in bed wondering what exactly he was laughing at, and it occurs to me that Czech is a very very complicated language which involves 7 forms of EVERY SINGLE CZECH WORD. We've gotten to the 5th of the 7 in class and I'm getting to the point of confusion. In my haste to supply any word I could for "chicken," despite the little voice in my head telling me to put some sort of ending on the basic form of the word, I gave him the word "kure," which literally means "a chicken."

So, the translation would be:
Me: "Beer.."
Waiter: "Beer."
Me: "Rice.."
Waiter: "Rice."
Me: "Em.... and a chicken."
Waiter: "Ah, a chicken. haha... yes. Is that all? 150."

Hilarity at its finest.

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