Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A short, funny story.

I am writing a film paper right now that has the word "crutch" in it. As I typed it and saw it there, I thought of the day I learned that word. Right now, the learning of languages is particularly fascinating me. (I've been hanging out with people who are learning English, I've been studying Czech, and had opportunities to practice Spanish and French as well.)

The day I learned the word "crutch," I was maybe 7, Cassie and Nikki Miles came over to our house to "play." (This was before I was old or cool enough to "hang out.") Cassie had injured herself somehow, probably playing volleyball at school, and she was on crutches. I saw an opportunity for acrobatics, even at that age, and said to her, "Cassie, can I try your crotches?" Everyone laughed, but I specifically remember Cassie being thoroughly amused, even more so after she corrected my pronunciation and watched me try precariously to balance on them, my feet dangling a foot or so from the ground.

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