Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Looking Ahead

My nails are really short right now. That tends to happen when I can't handle all the things I'm supposed to be handling at a given point in time. Like finals week. I'm drinking a mug full of tea, which is more like a mug full of milk and sugar that a tea bag sat in for a minute or two. That's not good either, as I've just come to the end of a full year of being in the gym doing circus and acrobatics anywhere from 5 to 7 days a week. Now I'm off until September. I need to scrounge up some self-discipline, and fast.

Maybe I'll just wait till finals are over.

I am leaving to go to Prague, CZ on June 14. That's in 10 days. .... wait, what?!? weird.

At that point, a lot of big things in my life are going to change drastically. Here's an impromptu list, in no particular order except the order in which they popped into my head.

~ A huge change in the social pool around me- the crux of that being I won't get to see Jack for, most likely, 2 and a half months.
~ No cell phone.
~ My thoughts will be consumed with film, Czech culture, and language rather than theatre, circus, and music.
~ Weird European plug things. And Czech currency.
~ I won't have my bunny to pet and take care of. (Jack and Tasha will do that for me.)
~ I won't get to do circus every day. Also meaning I'll have to like.. run, and actually eat well and things like that. Lame.
~ Did I mention the little to no contact with the boyfriend?

I think this blog is doing a good job of betraying my current emotional reservations about upcoming events... but I honestly think that once finals are over and the stress-factor has been diminished, I'll be focusing more on the fact of the matter, which is that this summer is going to be (explitive)ing awesome.

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