Friday, June 6, 2008

Peach Pork Chops and Music!

I got another 2 finals out of the way today, and took the afternoon and evening to relax. Sadly, Jack left to spend the weekend in California. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself... so after my 2nd final, Jonny and I went to Starbucks for a fruit and cheese plate and some "honest-to-goodness iced coffee," of which he has lately been deprived. After that we went to Radio Shack for a sneak preview of the fun that lies in store for tomorrow when we trek to Old Orchard to get my camera and other things for Prague.

At 5, Jonny and I split and I went to Tasha's voice recital. For those of you who don't know my best friend, she's kind of amazing and you should all want to be her. Her performance blew me away... again. I gave her pretty flowers that I now get to also enjoy because I'm currently staying with her. (They match her living room decor. AND they are her favorite kind of roses. I'm kind of the world's best friend.) When Tasha and I got home, we did a bit of grocery shopping, and then I shared a song with her that I wrote maybe a month ago, recorded, and then forgot about. I taught it to her because I thought it would sound good with her voice, and she wrote it down. As she did so, we began to edit and tweak the melody and chords and rhythms, and now it's actually... well it turned out to be the bare bones of something awesome. Tasha and I got really excited about the idea of writing songs together, so I busted out my notebooks and showed her the writing I have in the works. She took my words and rhythms and stuck really cool melodies to them, which I approved or didn't- we got to the point where she would sing a line to me, and I'd say, "Can the beginning of the 3rd line be ascending rather than descending?" And she'd do it, and BOOM- there was my song. She's sitting on the couch next to me writing one down on staff paper. Then we're going to go hang out with some friends of hers, and then I'm hopefully going to get a little work done and go to sleep.

It's been a purdy good day.

p.s. I made pork chops with sauteed onions and peach slices today. omigosh- DELICIOUS.

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