Monday, June 23, 2008

Prague-ery Robbery. and pics.

K, so I'm sorry the title is lame, but it's not as lame as what happened.

Two days ago I was lying in bed- all day. Why? One, because I was drawing and studying and reading and learning and writing and stuff. And 2, because it was pretty out and I discovered my window does this cute Bohemian thing if I open the window but leave the curtain down (which I did in an attempt to let some air in but keep the bugs out.)

Ok, I know what you're thinking- that window is very nice, but what's this thing about a robbery? Well, see that room? That's my room. Someone else has seen my room who wasn't supposed to. At some point during that afternoon, had to be during the 3 or 4 minutes I was out of my room, someone went in and stole my relatively new cell phone and charger, my roommate's macbook and power cord, and my red leather wallet from Vienna, which contained about 700 czech crowns, 20 USD, and every credit card and ID card I own.

However- Allie (my roomie) and I are both lucky ducks because 1. we're safe, 2. I still have my camera, and as long as I have that I can continue enjoying my trip, 3. there were so many other things that could've been taken that would not be as easily replaced and could've thoroughly ruined the trip.

Okay, so that's the bad news. Of course this means, to all you lovelies who I just got phone numbers from 2 months ago, I'll eventually need all your numbers again when I get home and get a new phone.

What I've learned from this experience:
1. Even when you think you're being oober careful, you can never be too careful.
2. Don't carry all your eggs in one basket / cards in one wallet.
3. There are some thieves who will skip right over the signed travelers' checks sitting on the desk, and go straight for the cell phone charger that's on the floor in between the bed and the back corner of the room.
4. Where the Czesky Republiky police station is.
5. The Czesky Republiky police station is bright yell0w-green on the inside, and they speak zero English, and the translator comes in to work like once a week.
6. You can get along way with 15-crowns per meal if you have to- that's less than a dollar for a hotdog.
7. They have shiny red wallets at Tesco for less than 13 dollars.
8. I prefer my wallets red. And un-thieved.

And now, some pictures! Then I have to go write a paper.

^Heathrow airport in London

^Kacin and Kacin Jr.

^Hello. We're not tourists. We can say Dobry Den.

^Rub the golden puppy on Charles Bridge for good luck.

^L to R: Amanda, Stephen, Patty and me on Charles Bridge in front of the pretty view.

^Funny sign on a picture vendor on Charles Bridge

^Pretty shot of the church steeple from my bedroom window. The bell is in that tower and chimes early on Sunday mornings. This is literally less than a stone's throw from my window. Very loud.

^I liked his building so I took a picture of it. This is not far from Jerome House.

^A cool door. These are fairly common in Prague. There are like 4 of them on the way to Tesco.

^L to R: Amanda, me, and Patty with our Pilsners and goulash at the Prague food festival. I got a legit souvenir fork.

^These guys were supposed to be walking around advertising the food festival, but instead they were being lazy and sitting under a tree so we took a picture with them. I wonder if they fought over who got the tall hat.

^Cool building and fountain by the park.

^I love the zoom on my camera.

^Pretty church.

^ Jesus on Charles Bridge

^Zomigosh, Valerie! I found "Mozart Desertdrink!" It was tasty.

^"Karlovy Lazne. The Biggest Music Club in Central Europe." Just off Charles Bridge- we are told it's extremely sketchy and to avoid it at all costs. Look at it... lurking in the shadows... It's terrifying...

^A random muzzle I found on an old fountain across from the park I went to. I found this at once frightening, comforting, and sad. What does it make you feel?

^A typical day in Prague.
^Rooftop shot.

^Vltava River

(I thought her water jug was a video camera at first.)

^Cool statue. Stole this pic from Sam.

^This one too, though I wish I could take credit. It's a great shot. Well done, sir.

^This one, however, is mine, and I am very proud.

^I really. love. my zoom.

^Me at U Fleku, my favorite pub so far! This was the 2nd night in Prague. Their beer is really dark, and very good. They have their own brewery.

^The U Fleku courtyard.

^The U Fleku clock.

^Gorgeous view from the bridge. (hah, sorry Arthur Miller.)

^Self explanatory.

^Absinthe Time.

^Chris having fun in Absinthe Time.

^First outing with these ladies. They are wonderful. This was at "Bar 23," which was okay, but unimpressive after Absinthe Time.

^"Hey let's take a picture in front of this door!" aka, random pic after dinner the other day. L to R: Rob, Sam, me, Lisa, Stephen. Love these kids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That is too bad, but at least you two are safe and you still have your camera. Those pics make me wish I was in Prague! :D

<3 from Kelsey (and her cat Ava, who is hogging most of the chair)